Guide to Buying a New Mattress

A Comprehensive Guide to Buying a New Mattress

It's no secret that a mattress is essential for a good night's sleep and overall health, but shopping for one can be really stressful. With the vast array of options available today, navigating through the various mattress features, materials, and brands sure is overwhelming.

Luckily, our professionals at Somnuz are here to walk you through the know-how and provide essential advice to make a wise mattress purchase. Together, we'll explore the buying process and equip you with the knowledge necessary to make an informed decision. 

Is It Time to Replace Your Mattress?

Is It Time to Replace Your Mattress?

Just like any other product we purchase, mattresses have a limited lifespan. They may not come with an expiration date like perishable food items, but they gradually lose their supportive qualities and comfort over time.

On average, mattresses last between 6 to 10 years.

Look out for these telltale indicators that your mattress is at the end of its lifespan:

  1. Your mattress has visible depressions or areas where it sags.
  2. Lack of spine and body support, resulting in discomfort and poor sleep posture.
  3. Your mattress creaks, squeaks, or makes noises with the slightest movement.
  4. You consistently wake up feeling restless, tired, or lacking energy despite completing the required hours of sleep.
  5. Your mattress is exacerbating your allergies.

If you notice that you sleep better on other mattresses, such as those found in hotels or when visiting friends, it's a strong indication that your current mattress has reached its limit. Trust your instincts when you start questioning whether it's time for an upgrade—chances are, your mattress is indeed due for a replacement.

What Should You Consider When Buying a New Mattress?

What Should You Consider When Buying a New Mattress?

When buying a new mattress, it's essential to prioritise two vital aspects: supporting the neutral alignment of your spine and providing a comfortable surface for your body to rest upon.

Consider your sleeping position, body type, weight, and preferences when choosing your mattress.

Mattress Materials

Mattress Materials

Various mattress materials are available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. To determine the ideal choice for you, it is crucial to consider the pros and cons of each material based on your specific needs and preferences.

Memory Foam Mattress

Memory Foam Mattress

Memory foam mattresses are truly favourites in Malaysia due to their exceptional pressure-relief capabilities. By contouring to your body's natural shape through body heat, they offer a comforting cradle that targets pressure points and reduces spinal pressure while lying down.

Memory foam mattresses are available in varying firmness levels but are particularly well-suited for side and back sleepers. If you're sharing a bed with a partner, there's no need to worry. These mattresses minimise motion transfer, ensuring you won't be jolted awake when your companion tosses and turns. 

When it comes to longevity, high-quality memory foam mattresses can last up to a decade with proper care. 

While memory foam mattresses offer a heavenly sleep experience, they do tend to retain body heat. This might be a cause for concern if you're someone who tends to run hot during the night.


  • Provides a soft and contouring feel, making it great for side sleepers and individuals with joint pain
  • Offers excellent motion isolation, ensuring minimal disturbance for mattress sharers
  • Does not produce noise when the sleeper moves
  • Reasonably priced compared to other mattress types


  • Tends to trap body heat, potentially causing discomfort for hot sleepers
  • Restless sleepers may experience a feeling of being stuck in the mattress
  • May not offer optimal support for certain sleeping positions and body types

Latex Mattress

Latex Mattress

When it comes to staying cool and comfortable in Malaysia's hot and humid weather, a latex mattress is a top-notch option. These mattresses, especially those made from natural latex, offer a light and bouncy feel that suits various sleeping positions, including combination sleepers.

If you are an environmentally-conscious shopper, a latex mattress is a good choice due to its use of natural latex materials. Note that NOT all mattresses labelled as "latex" are made from natural latex. Some may contain blended or synthetic materials, so be sure to do your research before making a purchase.

One of the key advantages of natural latex mattresses is their exceptional durability. They can last anywhere from 15 to 20 years with proper care, making them a long-lasting investment. However, it's worth considering that their bounciness may not be the best fit if you're sharing your mattress with your partner since it is sensitive to motion transfer.


  • Provides a light, bouncy, and breathable sleep experience
  • Offers excellent body support for various sleeping positions and body types
  • Does not create a sensation of being stuck on the bed
  • Naturally resistant to dust mites
  • Made from natural materials, appealing to eco-conscious individuals
  • Highly durable, ensuring long-lasting performance


  • The bouncy nature of latex may not suit everyone's preferences
  • Tends to be pricier compared to other mattress types
  • Not suitable for sleepers with latex allergies

Innerspring Mattress

Innerspring Mattress

When it comes to mattress classics, the innerspring mattress reigns supreme. 

These mattresses feature a layer of coils that give them their characteristic firmness, while foam layers are added for extra comfort. The coil system used in innerspring mattresses can vary in type, gauge (or thickness), and quantity, with more springs generally indicating better support.

Common innerspring mattress types include Bonnell spring, offset coil, continuous coil, and pocketed spring mattresses.

Bonnell Spring Mattress

The classic choice, Bonnell spring mattresses feature an hourglass-shaped coil design. These feature interconnected coils that respond to movement as a single unit.


  • Provide a traditional springy feel that some people prefer
  • Affordable option for those on a budget
  • Offer durability and reliable support
  • Allow easy movement without feeling stuck


  • Provide less contouring and pressure point support compared to softer mattress types
  • Can have motion transfer issues, particularly for restless sleepers and those sharing the bed.

Offset Spring Mattress

Similar to a Bonnell spring mattress, an offset coil bed consists of hourglass-shaped coils but with modified square-shaped sides. 


  • Provides enhanced pushback support, making it a good option for heavier sleepers
  • Offers reduced motion transfer compared to traditional Bonnell spring mattresses


  • Typically more expensive than Bonnell spring mattresses
  • May have a shorter lifespan compared to foam mattresses

    Continuous Spring Mattress

    In contrast to the interconnected Bonnell spring and offset coil mattresses, continuous spring beds are constructed from a single wire, resulting in a uniform and sturdy design.


    • Durable and cost-effective option
    • Provides limited motion transfer, making it suitable for budget-conscious mattress sharers


    • Continuous coil mattresses, while affordable, tend to be less quiet compared to offset coil beds
    • Sleepers may experience some motion transfer as the mattress responds to pressure

    Pocketed Spring Mattress

    The pocketed spring mattress stands out as an innovative choice among innerspring bed lovers. The pocketed spring mattress is an innovative type of innerspring bed that incorporates individually encased coils, responding only to pressure exerted on them. This unique design makes it an excellent choice for couples and mattress sharers, providing optimum pressure relief and body support.


    • Ideal for couples and mattress sharers as the individual coils respond independently to movements
    • Offers optimal pressure relief and body support, reducing aches and pains during sleep
    • Durable construction with less susceptibility to sagging
    • Provides excellent body contouring, similar to foam mattresses
    • Accommodates individuals with different body types and weights


    • Compared to other spring mattresses, pocketed spring mattresses may come with a higher price tag due to their premium features

    Additionally, hybrid mattresses combine the benefits of foam and spring materials. They often feature cooling gel layers and pocketed coil systems, making them a great choice for the hot weather in Malaysia.

    Mattress Sizes

    Mattress Sizes

    Somnuz follows the standard mattress sizes in Malaysia:

    • Single Mattress: (Width: 90 cm x Length: 190 cm)
    • Super Single Mattress: (Width: 107 cm x Length: 190 cm) 
    • Queen Size Mattress: (Width: 152 cm x Length: 190 cm) 
    • King Size Mattress: (Width: 183 cm x Length: 190 cm)

    When choosing the right mattress size, it's essential to consider your bedroom space and individual needs. For single sleepers, single or super single mattresses are suitable options. If you have enough space available, you can choose to upsize. For those sharing the mattress, queen to king-size mattresses provide more room and comfort for both individuals.

    Mattress Firmness

    Mattress Firmness

    Finding the perfect balance of sleep comfort and support starts with selecting the right mattress firmness. Ultimately, there is no universal firmness that suits everyone, as individual preferences and needs vary. However, certain firmness levels are better suited to specific needs.

    Somnuz follows a 10-point firmness scale for our mattresses, with 1 being the softest and 10 being the firmest. 

    Softer mattresses are ideal for light and side sleepers, while medium-firm mattresses are better suited for back and combination sleepers. Stomach sleepers and those with a heavier body weight benefit from firmer mattresses.

    Medium- to medium-firm mattresses are popular choices as they cater to a wide range of sleepers. When selecting the firmness level, it's essential to consider your sleeping position and body type. For instance, if you're a side sleeper with a smaller body frame, a soft to medium-soft mattress may provide the desired comfort. However, depending on personal preference, a medium-firm option might also be suitable. The key is to choose a firmness level that ensures proper spinal alignment without excessive pressure or sagging.

    Other Factors to Consider When Buying a Mattress


    Mattress shopping Budget

    When purchasing a mattress, several factors can influence its price, including the materials used, size, and construction. In addition to considering your sleeping needs and comfort preferences, setting a budget range can help you navigate the options available and avoid overspending.

    Taking the time to research common mattress types and their associated price points is a wise approach. This allows you to establish a reasonable budget and identify whether the price aligns with the mattress's quality. It's important to note that not all "affordable mattress deals" are necessarily the best deals. Sometimes, slightly pricier mattresses offer better value and durability.

    Sleeping Position

    Sleeping Position

    Your sleeping position plays a crucial role in determining the ideal mattress firmness for your needs. Here are the recommended firmness levels based on different sleeping positions:

    Side Sleepers

    Side sleeping is the most common position but increases pressure on the hips and shoulders. To support these areas and maintain proper spinal alignment, side sleepers typically benefit from a mattress with a soft to medium firmness.

    Back Sleepers

    A medium to medium-firm mattress is often recommended for back sleepers.

    Stomach Sleepers

    Stomach sleepers need firmer mattresses to prevent the body from sinking too deeply, which can strain the back. A medium-firm to firm mattress is also often preferred by stomach sleepers to maintain comfort without too much contouring.

    Remember, these are general guidelines, and individual preferences may vary. We recommend trying different firmness levels and assessing your comfort and support needs to find the best mattress firmness for your specific sleep position.

    Sleeping Condition

    Sleeping Condition

    Do you experience back pain or have mobility issues? Are you a solo sleeper or do you share your mattress with a partner? Do you allow your pet to join you on the bed? Are you someone who tends to sleep hot? 

    When buying a mattress, it's essential to consider your unique needs and sleeping conditions. Factors like back pain, mobility issues, sleeping alone or with a partner, and accommodating pets all impact the choice of the best mattress. Moreso, the requirements for a single adult user differ from those for a shared mattress used by multiple family members. 

    Should You Shop Your Mattress Online?

    Should You Shop Your Mattress Online?

    Many people are increasingly turning to online shopping for mattresses because it offers several benefits. When you shop online, you can explore various mattress options and features without feeling pressured to make a quick decision.

    Online mattress shops often provide better quality assurance. They typically offer longer trial periods and warranties, giving you more time to decide if the mattress is right for you. Additionally, returning a mattress purchased online is usually a straightforward process.

    When you consider the overall convenience and affordability, buying a mattress online can be a worthwhile and satisfying experience.

    Ready to Buy Your Mattress?

    Choosing the right mattress can sometimes feel overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. By conducting some research and taking your time to think things through, you can find the perfect mattress that suits your requirements.

    If you're searching for the best mattresses at competitive prices, explore our carefully crafted mattress options available in Malaysia. Shop now and discover why Somnuz is the top choice for a restful and comfortable night's sleep.

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