Research suggests that cats are therapeutic. Little did we know, these cute muses that always scratch the life out of our furniture and sometimes cause small bruises on our skin because of their cute, tiny claws can help us improve our mental health by reducing the risk of anxiety.
Ironically, cats, who are our stress relievers, can also give us so much stress whenever they pee outside the litter box and turn our tissue into an abstract masterpiece that no one understands.
The most stressful part is when they pee on a mattress.
But don't worry if that happens, because we are about to save you from so much drama with your cat and help you get cat pee out of your mattress.
Materials You'll Need

Before you head to step 1 in getting cat urine from your mattress, gather first all the materials you'll need for the cleaning process:
Absorbent towels or paper towels
Baking soda
Distilled white vinegar
Hydrogen peroxide
Liquid dish soap
Empty spray bottle
Plastic or rubber gloves
A vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment
Additional cleaning products that might help
How to Clean Cat Pee from a Mattress

Remove Your Bedding
Taking off all your bedding is the first step because it exposes the affected area on the mattress and prevents the cat urine from spreading further. Remember, when your cat's urine makes contact with your bedding and sheets, remove it as quickly as possible and clean them, either washing them with your hands or using a washing machine, depending on the manufacturer's care instructions.
Blot (Don't Rub!) the Area
Get a clean cloth, paper towels, or even a disposable absorbent pad to blot the wet spot caused by your cat's urine. Press down gently to soak up as much of the urine as possible, and avoid scrubbing or rubbing the stain because this can push the urine deeper into the mattress.
Spray Vinegar Solution
White vinegar is an excellent choice for neutralising odours since it helps neutralise the ammonia in the urine, which causes an unpleasant odour.
Keep in mind that the vinegar solution, with a ratio of 1:1 water to vinegar, should be sprayed lightly on the affected area of the mattress and allowed to sit for about 5–10 minutes.
Blot Again
After the vinegar solution has had time to work, use clean paper towels or a clean cloth to blot the area once more to remove the urine and vinegar from the mattress. Make sure you continue blotting until you no longer see any moisture coming up.
Sprinkle a layer of Baking Soda
Baking soda is a natural deodoriser and can help further absorb any remaining moisture and odours. So, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the affected area, or mix a few drops of essential oil (such as lavender or tea tree) with the baking soda for a more pleasant scent.
Vacuum Up to Dry Baking Soda
Allow the baking soda to sit on the mattress for several hours, preferably overnight, to make it more effective and to ensure it absorbs moisture and odour effectively.
Once the baking soda has had time to work, use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to thoroughly remove the dried baking soda. Make multiple passes over the area to ensure all the baking soda is removed.
How to Get Cat Pee Smell Out of a Mattress

Sometimes, after we clean our pet's urine from our mattress, unpleasant smells or odours disturb your restful night. What if these smells came from outside the litter box and from your mattress?
Sometimes, we mistakenly thought these disturbing smells came from our cat's litter box. But it came from an old, dried cat urine stain that we didn't notice or forget to clean. If that's the case, consider this another series of cleaning methods:
Sprinkle Fresh Baking Soda for Extra Absorbency
Always start by removing all bedding, including your sheets, blankets, and pillowcases.
If it's a fresh urine stain, blot as much urine as possible using paper towels or old rags. Baking soda does the magic all the time, so sprinkle baking soda over the stained area to absorb any remaining moisture and neutralise odours.
Cover the Area in Plastic Wrap
The next thing to do is to cover the mattress with a large piece of plastic wrap or a plastic mattress cover to trap the moisture and baking soda in the affected area. Make sure to use tape or elastic bands to secure the plastic wrap in place.
Leave the plastic wrap in place for at least 24 to 48 hours to allow the baking soda to absorb moisture and odours effectively.
Drying Process
After 24 to 48 hours, carefully remove the plastic wrap from the mattress and vacuum the mattress thoroughly to remove the now-dried baking soda and any remaining odour particles. If the odour persists after vacuuming, you can repeat the process.
Lastly, to freshen the mattress and ensure all odours are gone, spray a mixture of equal parts water and white vinegar solution onto the pee-stained area. Let it sit and dry, or use a fan to speed up the drying process.
It's important to be patient during this process, especially with old, dried urine stains, as it may take several attempts to remove urine stains and odours completely. Additionally, consider using enzyme cleaners specifically designed for pet stains because they can be more effective in breaking down and removing the cat urine smell.
Cat Pee Prevention Tips to Protect Your Mattress

Cat pee issues are inevitable, especially if we are so much in love with our pets and can't help but take care of multiple of them. So, to save ourselves from stress and disrupted sleep because of cat urine stains or smells, here are some helpful tips to protect your mattress from cat urine to protect your mattress and maintain a clean and odour-free sleeping environment.
Provide a Clean Litter Box

Make sure that your cat has easy access to a clean litter box. Also, ensure to scoop the litter box daily and change the litter regularly to keep it appealing to your cat.
Maintain a Regular Feeding Schedule

Cats often urinate more after eating, so a regular feeding schedule can help predict when your cat may need to use the litter box.
Address Any Medical Issues

If your cat suddenly starts urinating outside the litter box, it could be a sign of a health problem, so it is better to consult your veterinarian to rule out any medical issues.
Use a Waterproof Mattress Cover

Invest in a waterproof mattress cover to create a barrier between your mattress and any liquid, making it easier to clean up accidents.
Limit Bedroom Access

If your cat has a history of urinating on the bed, consider keeping them out of your bedroom, use a baby gate or keep the bedroom closed to prevent access.
Close the Door When You're Not Home

When you're not home, close the door to prevent your cat from getting on the bed and urinating.
Regular Cleaning

If your cat urinates on the mattress, it's essential to clean it promptly using enzyme cleaners designed to break down the odour and stain. Avoid using ammonia-based cleaners because the scent can resemble cat urine, potentially encouraging your cat to re-mark the area.
Safeguarding your mattress against cat pee requires a combination of proactive measures. However, remember that patience and understanding are key when dealing with cat behaviour issues, and it's essential to address it's essential to address any medical concerns promptly.
Finally, with the help of the cleaning process we discussed about how to remove urine stains and cat pee smell, together with a consistent effort and a loving approach, you can enjoy a cat-friendly and urine-free sleeping environment.